07 March 2014

The cat's out of the bag

Well, the cat's out of the bag!!!

Happy Cat Sanctuary has a new ONLINE FOOD DRIVE!

The sanctuary needs food donations to continue feeding the 250 cats!

Donate a bag of food today through Amazon - it's easy!

If just 10% of my Facebook friends each donated 1 bag of food, that would defray Happy Cat Sanctuary's food costs by 79% !!!

If not for me, do it for my baby AMBER!  She luvs food!

Amber Cox - CFO (Chief Feline Officer) of Happy Cat Sanctuary

Click here to donate one bag of dry food, or one case of wet food to Happy Cat! Just click "Add to Cart" and pay - the food will ship to the sanctuary!

No getting off your couch, no driving to the store, no lifting heavy bags!


Amazon Wish List:  http://amzn.com/w/4INYQJ7TCS4P

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